

Vrijeme objave: 28.09.2023 21:01

TRIESTE, NOVEMBER 9-10-11, 2023


Poštovane kolege,

sretna sam da Vas mogu informirati da je gotov program sa posterima za  skup Alpe Adria "Novosti u bolestima pokreta", koji se održava u Trstu od 9.11.-11.11. 20023. Skup organizira Talijansko društvo za ekstrapiramidne bolesti i Parkinsonovu bolest uz podršku Europske sekcije MDS (Movement disorders society) i EAN-a, a sudjeluju poznati predavači iz mnogih EU zemalja. Registracija je do 31.10.20023. na linku ispod. 

Vidimo se u Trstu.



prof. dr.sc Vladimira Vuletić


Dear Colleagues,


I am happy to send you enclosed the updated program of  the Alpe-Adria Meeting that now also includes the list of poster and oral contributions selected by the Scientific Committee.

I would like to thank all of you in advance for the cooperation for the success of the meeting.
Now it is very important to disseminate the event and stimulate registrations.
All information about the fees and the online registration are available at the following link


The Meeting provides nr. 11,2 credits for Physicians (specialists in Neurology, Neurosurgery, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Radiology, Geriatrics and Psychiatry) Psychologist and Physiotherapists.

Please note that there are two different ways of registration, one reserved to the Italian delegates and one reserved for foreign delegates. The registration online will be possible until 
October 31st, 2023.
For any technical problems please feel free to contact the Organizing Secretariat: info@parkinsonlimpedismov.it

Best regards.


Michele Tinazzi




Societa Italiana Parkinson e Disordini del Movimento/LIMPE-DISMOV ETS
Viale Somalia 133 - 00199 Roma

Tel. 0696046753
Fax 0698380233
E-mail: info@parkinsonlimpedismov.it
Web: www.parkinsonlimpedismov.it